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15 May 2023
L’AIBEA (Association des employés de banque de l’Inde), affiliée à la FSM, le plus ancien et le plus important syndicat d’employés de banque en Inde, organise sa 29e Conférence nationale à Mumbai du 13 au 15 mai 2023.

Des délégués de toutes les banques de tous les États de l’Inde participent à la Conférence, ainsi qu’une large participation internationale de dirigeants de plusieurs pays pour saluer la Conférence et échanger leurs points de vue. Les délégués internationaux viennent du Bangladesh, du Brésil, de Chypre, du Danemark, d’Égypte, de Malaisie, de l’île Maurice, du Népal, de Palestine, du Sri Lanka et de Syrie.

La Secrétaire générale de l’AITUC et vice-présidente de la FSM, Amarjeet Kaur, a inauguré la Conférence.

Le Secrétaire général de la FSM, Pambis Kyritsis, s’est adressé à la session d’ouverture de la conférence en tant qu’invité principal et, dans son intervention, a analysé les développements mondiaux et les priorités de la FSM en mentionnant également les points suivants :

« I sincerely thank the leadership of AIBEA and personally, it’s G.S., comrade C.H. Venkatachalam for the invitation to attend and address your Conference on behalf of the World Trade Union Federation. »

« AIBEA is a valued and historic member of the WFTU with a significant role in the foundation, development, and leadership of BIFU, the class-oriented International Bank Employees’ Trade Union, while comrade Venkatachalam is repeatedly elected by the WFTU Presidential Council as the Chairman of the Finance Control Committee of the WFTU. »

« The crisis of the system certainly does not leave unaffected the financial sector. In the finance sector, just as in other sectors, it is the bank and insurance workers and their families who actually pay the consequences of rampant thirst for profits and dividends. Privatizations, mergers, collapses are now a daily practice in the banking system. A practice linked to mass layoffs and attacks against collective agreements and collective bargaining, on the wages and pension rights of bank workers. »

« Unfortunately, the present Government in India by promoting adverse changes in labour laws and privatization of many public sector companies and institutions is pursuing such policies which are helping only the richer sections and the capitalist classes. For those who resist, and who do not compromise with oppression, discrimination, and man-by-man exploitation, the path of dignity is the path of the struggles. We know that the All-Indian Bank Employees Association, which is a leading organization, has been taking initiatives to build a united front of Bank and Insurance Unions and to organize struggles to defeat Bank invalidation and save public sector Banks. »


source : https://www.wftucentral.org/la-fsm-participe-a-la-29eme-conference-nationale-de-laibea/?lang=fr

Tag(s) : #FSM, #Inde, #syndicat

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